Wednesday, April 1, 2009

First Responder...

Hounded. Attacked. Criticized. The target of envy, jealousy and wrath of another. David experienced all of these difficulties and had every conceivable reason to feel depressed, distressed and defeated as he was forced to hide in caves and chased like an alley cat by a pit bull.

We all experience similar times of trouble--just as I mentioned yesterday. What we do with those days of difficulty will make all the difference in the outcome of our circumstances. Rather than turning inward to a place of despair, David turned upward to the God he knew and loved, and we can learn from his example.

Psalm 56, Psalm 120, Psalm 140-142 are today's scripture passages. These verses reveal that with a heavy heart, David sought his solace from the saving God he knew as redeemer and rescuer. Here are a few highlights that remind us to take our troubles to The Lord.

Psalm 56:
1 O God, have mercy on me,
for people are hounding me.
My foes attack me all day long.
2 I am constantly hounded by those who slander me,
and many are boldly attacking me.
3 But when I am afraid,
I will put my trust in you.

8 You keep track of all my sorrows.[a]
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded each one in your book.

Psalm 140
1 O Lord, rescue me from evil people.
Protect me from those who are violent,
2 those who plot evil in their hearts
and stir up trouble all day long.

Psalm 141
3 Take control of what I say, O Lord,
and guard my lips.
4 Don’t let me drift toward evil
or take part in acts of wickedness.
Don’t let me share in the delicacies
of those who do wrong.

Psalm 142
1 I cry out to the Lord;
I plead for the Lord’s mercy.
2 I pour out my complaints before him
and tell him all my troubles.
3 When I am overwhelmed,
you alone know the way I should turn.
Wherever I go,
my enemies have set traps for me.
4 I look for someone to come and help me,
but no one gives me a passing thought!
No one will help me;
no one cares a bit what happens to me.
5 Then I pray to you, O Lord.
I say, “You are my place of refuge.
You are all I really want in life.
6 Hear my cry,
for I am very low.

And He does--whether we are at our lowest low or our highest high, He hears and He cares. God is never our last resort, He is our first responder.

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