what i'm reading

Books I'd love to recommend~


*The Last Sin-Eater by Francine Rivers. An oldie but goodie.

*The List and The Trial by Robert Whitlow. Local author, interesting stories. 

*Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. I know...you've already read this one. :)


*Choosing to See by MaryBeth Chapman. Here's a quote: “I know God loves me and my family. I know God is sovereign and He knows what is best for us. I know He has our days numbered and makes no mistakes. I know that He will bring beauty from ashes . . . that is what I cling to in order to make it through another twenty-four hours.” 

*Captive in Iran by Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh. Do you love Jesus enough to suffer for Him? REALLY SUFFER? They do and they did. Compelling!

*Pursuit of God by A. W. Tozer. A MUST read for every believer!

*The Faith of Christopher Hitchens; the Restless Soul of the World's Most Notorious Atheist. One of the most riveting books I've read in a long time.  

*Through Gates of Splendor by Elisabeth Elliot. Her no nonsense approaches to life's hardships are needed in a day when we are told we deserve our best life now.

Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis. Challenging and convicting--this young woman's faith and the stories she shares about her life in Uganda are compelling.

*Holy Subversion by Trevin Wax. Subverting the "Caesar's" of this life is something often ignored but never unnecessary. Wax has a way with words and an understanding of the surrendered life that is worth considering.

*Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. This is not a story that will give you warm fuzzies (initially, at least) because it exposes the worst of man's inhumanity to man. During WWII, prisoner of war Louis Zamperini endures unimaginably evil treatment after what should have been life-ending circumstances, yet he is, as the title expresses, unbroken. This compelling read will keep you turning the page--haunted by questions that beg for answers.

*Three Weeks with My Brother by Nicholas Sparks. There are many reasons I loved this book not the least of which is discovering that his non-fiction is better than his fiction. This is a good one to take to the beach. :)

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