Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Three Miracles in Mississippi!

Today's update on Megan and the babies comes again from Grandma Donna (I don't know what she is going to be called yet, but for now "Grandma" will work!).  God has been so gracious to hear and answer our prayers, but as I mentioned yesterday (and as you'll read in Donna's note below) there is a long road ahead for this family, so I'm encouraged to remember the instructions of 1 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 18 ~  Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

Thank you to all who are continuing to pray!  Isn't it beautiful to know, see, and be a part of the miraculous?  Most women do not survive an AFE (amniotic fluid embolism) which is likely what happened to Megan from the description that Donna gave us yesterday.  Megan's life will never be the same, but I'm believing it will be better than she ever imagined possible as God restores her memory, revives her spirit and reinvigorates her body, making all things new for her.

Here's Donna's update today:
The day started with a visit to see Evie and Holden. Still in what is called the "honeymoon" phase, which means the period of time right after premature babies are born. The honeymoon period usually ends around 36 hours after birth. Nurses and doctors tell us post-honeymoon is the time when the rubber meets the road, so to speak. If the babies are going to improve or decline, this is it. We're thinking positive that improvement will continue!! Sonograms were performed on the brain of both babies and we'll learn results by tomorrow morning. So far Evie and Holden are doing well; both are fighters. Evie is a fiesty little girl; during her sonogram she moved her arms and legs and mouth because the nurse was disrupting her sleep. Once the sonogram was over Evie's arms and legs stopped and she went bquickly ack to sleep. Holden's blood pressure dropped some last night, but his nurse quickly responded and his blood pressure retuned to normal.

Megan's doctors explained that, while Tuesday was a big day and much progress is made, still a long road ahead! Megan is able to put words together today, but not many. Her memory of various past events is blank, but the doctor explained this is normal. After all, her brain suffered greatly when she seizured during delivery. The nurses sat Megan on the side of the bed this morning, but they quickly laid her back down as she bacame ill. Keep in mind she's been flat on here back and inverted, at times, for 2 weeks. In addition, her body is still recovering from such trama that a slight movement can be traumatic. The doctors are discussing possibly moving Megan from ICU to a surgical room this coming weekend. Nothing definite yet.

I am in the process of setting up a Caring Bridge website. Once complete I will send the website address to you all.
I will post the Caringbridge website address on this blog as soon as I receive it so that you can continue to marvel and pray.  For now, let's just keep storming heaven with thanks and prayers for continued health and healing for these three miracles in Mississippi!

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